CINE 247 - Bollywood Cinema: Cinematic Constructions of Gender, Sexuality, and Nation
Semester Offered: Second Semester Credits (Range): 3 Hours Attribute:3 HU, CD
This course examines how mainstream Hindi cinema, or Bollywood, constructs gender, sexuality, and nation. Studying films from a range of different genres and periods—from the “socials” of the 1950s to “designer” movies of the present—we will ask how Hindi cinema manages the tensions between tradition and modernity, the individual and the collective, and desire and social order. We will also attend to the new meanings and audiences Bollywood accrues in its transnational travels. Enrollment Limit: 25. Instructor: P. Sundar Prerequisites & Notes Prerequisite: For complete prerequisites, please refer to the Cinema Studies Program section titled “Cinematic Traditions Courses.”