Mar 12, 2025
CMPL 208 - Queer Beginnings: 1990 Semester Offered: Second Semester Full Course Credits: 4 credits Attribute: 4HU, CD
1990 was a time of new beginnings for academics, novelists, and filmmakers who challenged the norms of heterosexuality, and who found –or invented– queer histories. After an examination of European precursors, Foucault, Fassbinder, and Almodovar, we will study Sedgwick, Butler, Crimp, and Bersani; fiction by Barnett, Winterson, and Gluck; and historical (or pseudo-historical) films from the New Queer Cinema movement, including Poison, Edward II, Orlando, Watermelon Woman, Looking for Langston and Lilies.
Enrollment Limit: 20 Instructor: P. O’Connor
Cross List Information: GSFS 208
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