Feb 01, 2025  
Course Catalog 2024-2025 
Course Catalog 2024-2025
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LLAB 110 - Inclusive Excellence in STEM Pedagogy

2 credits
Inclusive Excellence in STEM Pedagogy is a practice-based course in high impact instructional techniques for aspiring STEM leaders at Oberlin, including students seeking future employment as CLEAR mentors. Students will complete readings, teaching observations, and prepare worksheets and mock lesson plans. Students will reflect on their experiences in STEM classrooms through discussions and writing. They will be guided in their pursuit of leadership roles in the STEM including in practicing proactive professional written and verbal communication skills with faculty. By the course’s end, students will have drafted brief teaching philosophy statements, prepared, rehearsed, and revised a brief teaching demonstration, and crafted a list of best practices in peer mentorship from their reflections on classroom observations. Although not a prerequisite for CLEAR employment, this course offers a pathway to leadership in Oberlin’s STEM community.

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