Course Catalog 2007-2008 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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James A. Walsh, Professor; Department Chair
Robert A. Bosch, Robert and Eleanor Biggs Professor of Natural Science
Susan Jane Colley, Andrew and Pauline Delaney Professor
Michael Gilman Henle, Professor
Kay M. Knight, Lecturer
Oliver Schirokauer, Professor
Elizabeth Wilmer, Associate Professor
Jeffrey Alvin Witmer, Professor
Kevin Woods, Assistant Professor
Robert M. Young, James F. Clark Professor
As mathematics is both a technical and cultural field of study, the curriculum is planned with the following varied objectives: (1) to offer students an introduction to mathematics as an important area of human thought; (2) to prepare students for graduate study in pure or applied mathematics, and in such related fields as statistics and operations research; (3) to serve the needs of students in fields that rely substantially on mathematics, such as the physical, biological, social and information sciences, engineering, and business administration; and (4) to provide liberal arts students with an introduction to the kinds of mathematical and quantitative thinking important in the contemporary world.
Students seeking guidance in the selection of courses are strongly urged to confer with a member of the department, all of whom are happy to be consulted. The following information will provide a preliminary basis for making plans and choices.
Placement Exams. Students wishing to enroll in an entry-level calculus course (Mathematics 131, 132, or 133) must take the Calculus Readiness Exam (which covers precalculus only). Likewise, students wishing to enroll in an entry-level statistics course (Mathematics 113 or 114) must take the Statistics Readiness Exam. Placement exams are given twice during orientation. At other times they may be taken by arrangement with the Mathematics Department Administrative Assistant. Please note that all students, regardless of their examination scores, are encouraged to consult with a member of the Mathematics Department concerning their placement in the mathematics curriculum.
Important Note: Only students interested in Mathematics 113, 114, 131, 132 or 133 need to take a placement exam. Students who need work in algebra or other basic quantitative skills should consult the “Learning Assistance Program” section of this catalog.
Advanced Placement. Students who have taken one of the College Board Advanced Placement Program examinations in calculus, or the examination in statistics, will receive credit as follows. Students scoring 4 or 5 on the BC examination in calculus receive eight hours credit, equivalent to Mathematics 133 and 134. Students scoring 3 on the BC examination in calculus with an AB sub-score of 4 or 5 receive four hours credit, equivalent to Mathematics 133. Students scoring 4 or 5 on the AB examination in calculus receive four hours credit, equivalent to Mathematics 133. Students scoring 4 or 5 on the examination in statistics receive four hours credit, equivalent to Mathematics 113.
Students given credit for one or more courses in this way do not need to take a Mathematics Placement Exam. They are encouraged to place themselves at the appropriate level in the mathematics curriculum according to the guidelines below (see Initial Placement and Course Sequence Suggestions) in consultation with a member of the Mathematics Department.
Initial Placement and Course Sequence Suggestions. Students who wish to continue their study of mathematics can choose among the following courses:
Courses Without Prerequisites. Students who wish to satisfy the quantitative proficiency requirement, or who want to take a course in mathematics (simply out of curiosity) are encouraged to consider the courses numbered 100 and below.
Entry-level Statistics Courses. Students whose primary interest is in the social, behavioral, or biological sciences and who have no need for calculus are encouraged to consider enrolling in Mathematics 113–Statistical Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences or Mathematics 114–Statistical Methods for the Biological Sciences. These courses presuppose good algebra skills and require an appropriate score on the Statistics Readiness Exam. Students with less background are encouraged to consider enrolling in Mathematics 100–Elementary Statistics.
Entry-level Calculus Courses. Students whose interests are in mathematics, or in a field requiring calculus, and who have not yet taken calculus, will normally enroll in Mathematics 131–Calculus Ia: Limits, Continuity, and Differentiation, or in Mathematics 133–Calculus I: Limits, Continuity, Differentiation, Integration, and Applications. The particular course, Mathematics 131 or Mathematics 133, depends on the student’s score on the Calculus Readiness Exam. Note that students who wish to continue with calculus after completing Mathematics 131 should take its sequel, Mathematics 132–Calculus Ib: Integration and Applications. The two semester sequence Mathematics 131, 132 is equivalent to the more intensive single semester course, Mathematics 133.
Courses Following Entry-level Calculus. Students whose secondary-school preparation includes satisfactory work in calculus equivalent to Mathematics 133, obtained in the College Board Advanced Placement Program or a comparable course of study, as well as students who have completed either Mathematics 132 or 133, can continue their study of calculus with Mathematics 134–Calculus II: Special Functions, Integration Techniques, and Power Series. This course completes a standard year-long introduction to the calculus of functions of one variable.
Courses Following Calculus. Students who have completed Mathematics 134 or have been granted credit for this course through the College Board Advanced Placement Program or a comparable course of study can register for any of several intermediate level courses, Mathematics 220–Discrete Mathematics or Mathematics 231–Multivariable Calculus or Mathematics 232–Linear Algebra or Mathematics 234-Differential Equations. Students planning to major in mathematics are strongly encouraged to enroll first in Mathematics 220, and thereafter in Mathematics 231 and Mathematics 232. Students planning a concentration in Applied Mathematics will also need to take Mathematics 113–Statistical Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences or Mathematics 114–Statistical Methods for the Biological Sciences.
First-year students should not register for a 300-level mathematics course without consulting a member of the Mathematics Department.
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