A major in economics is defined as follows.
- A minimum of 24 hours in economics including:
- Principles of Economics (ECON 101 or 102);
- Three (3) core courses in Intermediate Macroeconomics (ECON 251), Intermediate Microeconomics (ECON 253), and Introduction to Econometrics (ECON 255); and
- Upper level courses in economics: one at the 300-level, and one 400-level, upper-class seminar.
- A minimum of 12 hours in other social sciences and mathematics must include Statistics (MATH 113 or 114) and Calculus (MATH 133, or its equivalent).
Mathematical Economics Concentration. An economics major with a concentration in mathematics is defined as follows.
- A minimum of 24 hours in economics including:
- Principles of Economics (ECON 101 or 102);
- Core courses in Intermediate Macroeconomics (ECON 251), Intermediate Microeconomics (253), and Introduction to Econometrics (ECON 255);
- At least one advanced theory or methods course chosen from Macroeconomic Theory (ECON 351), Microeconomic Theory (ECON 353) and Advanced Econometrics (ECON 355); and
- One 400-level, upper class seminar in economics.
- A minimum of 12 hours in mathematics including:
- Multivariable Calculus (MATH 231);
- Linear Algebra (MATH 232); and
- One advanced course in mathematics from the following list:
Advanced Calculus (MATH 301), Optimization (MATH 331), Probability (MATH 335), Mathematical Statistics (MATH 336), Data Analysis (MATH 337), or Probability Models and Random Processes (MATH 338).
At least 15 of the minimum 24 hours in economics required for majors must be taken at Oberlin and must include at least two of the core courses in intermediate theory and methodology (ECON 251, 253, and 255).
Courses in which a student has earned a letter grade lower than C– cannot be used to fulfill the requirements of the major.
The minor in Economics consists of at least 15 hours in economics, including Economics 101 or 102; at least two of the three core courses Economics 251, 253, or 255; and one 300-level applied course. Note that most 300-level courses have a Calculus prerequisite.
The department puts special emphasis on its Honors Program and ordinarily invites up to a quarter of its senior majors to participate. Invitations are extended toward the end of the junior year on the basis of general academic standing and work in the department up to that time. Interested students should consult with a member of the department.
Students wishing to qualify for admission to the Honors Program must take Economics 251 and 253 before the senior year. In addition, candidates for Honors must take Economics 255 by the fall of their senior year and are strongly urged to take it no later than their junior year.
Transfer of Credit
The awarding of transfer credit is at the discretion of the department chair. Two of the following—Economics 251, 253, and 255—must be taken at Oberlin. Students must obtain preliminary approval of transfer credit in economics from the department chair prior to taking economics courses elsewhere.
Winter Term
Members of the Economics Department will be available as sponsors of both oncampus and off campus projects. Internships are available for economics majors at a number of government agencies and private firms. Students interested in careers in finance and consulting should consider the Oberlin Business Scholars winter term program. Details are at
Research Opportunities
Economics majors are eligible to work as Albert Rees research assistants for permanent and visiting faculty members in the Economics Department. Majors are also invited as juniors or seniors to apply for the Albert Rees Policy Fellowship. Recent Albert Rees Fellows have worked during Winter Term at the President’s Council of Economic Advisors in Washington, DC. Interested students should contact the department chair.
Introductory Economics
ECON 101 is the general introductory course and serves as a prerequisite for all applied and intermediate courses.
Applied Economics I
Courses with only ECON 101 as a prerequisite.
Intermediate Economic Theory and Methods
This sequence of courses ECON 251, ECON 253, and ECON 255 is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in economic theory and analysis. ECON 251 and ECON 253 may be taken in either order, but both should be completed prior to taking ECON 255.
Applied Economics II
Courses requiring intermediate theory as a prerequisite.
Advanced Economic Theory and Methods
Oberlin-in-Europe Euro Summer School
Students register for two courses (ECON 901 and 902) for a total of eight credit hours. Scheduled over eight weeks from 19 June until 12 August, the program offers student participants opportunities to widely explore Europe. More complete details on the program can be found on the program web site located at: