The Theater curriculum offers courses each year in acting, directing, history, criticism, design, and production. In addition to class meetings, many courses have a laboratory component that involves students in the process of creating a theater production. Each year, the program produces three faculty directed mainstage productions in Hall Auditorium, and several student directed projects in the Little Theater. Smaller scale productions such as Oberlin Shorts (student written one-act play festival), First Year Showcase and the Directing Class One-Act Festival are intended to provide a bridge between the classroom experience and the fully-mounted campus productions.
The program also sponsors theater residencies from time to time. These residencies supplement the curriculum by giving students the opportunity to participate in workshops. In the past, these workshops have included work with specialists in stage combat, Le Coq, masks, Noh and acting for the camera.
In addition to productions that are sponsored by the Theater and Dance Program, students have the opportunity to participate in productions sponsored by other departments and by various campus student theater organizations.