Mar 03, 2025  
Course Catalog 2015-2016 
Course Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Education Studies Concentration

Education Studies Concentration

Deborah Roose, Committee Chair

Committee Members:

Deborah Roose (Chair), Daphne John, Carol Lasser, Travis Wilson, Kim Faber (SITES), Susan Pavlus (Bonner Center) and Peter Asch (student)

An Education Studies concentration integrates pedagogical approaches, conceptual approaches, and experiential components for students who are interested in engaging with understandings of education as a part of the liberal arts.  It encourages them to work with diverse communities both as learners and as educators.

The concentration includes student work in three areas: conceptual approaches, pedagogical approaches and experiential components.

The goal of the courses in the “Conceptual Approach” category is to engage students with the theories, research, frameworks and perspectives about education, children/youth and/or learning.

The goal of the courses in the “Pedagogical Approach” category is to support students in the integration and application of skills, methods, theory and practices, and reflection on their work.
The goals of the Experiential Components are to support students, through regular direct contact in educational situations, in gaining experience in practical application of education theory, techniques and self-assessment and/or to learn to engage with diverse learners.

Requirements for an Education Studies Concentration

Pieces (6 total)

Four (4) full courses (at least one course each in Conceptual and Pedagogical Approaches areas)
Two (2) Experiential Components  (at least one preK-12)
Includes weekly Reflection and Self-Assessment, a final Reflection and a Supervisor’s Evaluation

Tied together by Reflection and Self-Assessment through a Portfolio and two Portfolio Reviews

You may begin the concentration at any point in your college career but are encouraged to do so no later than the middle of the junior year.


Experiential Components

At least one must be a Pre-Kindergarten - 12th Grade. For an Experiential Component to be counted in an Education Studies Concentration it needs to include

at least two contact hours per week for a semester or a minimum of 20 contact hours during a semester.

Education Practica (e.g. SITES - EDPR 102)
Girls and Boyz in Motion
Ninde Scholars tutoring
OWLS (Oberlin Workshop and Learning Sessions)
Quantitative Skills Drop-In Center
Winter Term and Summer Internships (appropriate projects)
Writing Associates Program


A student can petition for these activities to fulfill a course or experiential component of the Ed Studies Concentration:

Academic Services work
Bonner Leaders
Bonner Scholars
CAST 300/302
COMETS (Collaborative Media Exploration Technology Support) mentors
Community Service Work-Study Program
Drop-In Calculus and Statistics Tutoring
ExCo (leadership position)

·First Year Seminar (e.g. The Privileged and the Marginalized: History and Culture of American Colleges
·and Universities - Shozo Kawaguchi)
·Music Mentors
·Private Reading
·PSYC 400s (Seminar)
·SOC 391 (Practicum)

Study Away courses and experiences

Other similar types courses or experiences

Portfolios and Portfolio Reviews

Portfolios and portfolio reviews in the Education Studies concentration are used as a vehicle by which students reflect upon and connect the different courses and components for the concentration that they have chosen to do, think about how they are developing as learners and educators, decide on appropriate and interesting next steps and be in conversation with others in the Oberlin College community interested in education. Portfolio reviews take place twice during a student’s career at Oberlin.

Additional information

Any student, regardless of major or minor, can pursue an Education Studies concentration. This concentration does not substitute for a major or minor. Its completion will be noted on the student’s final transcript along with majors, minors, and Honors. Courses in which a student has earned a letter grade lower than a C- or P cannot be used to fulfill the requirements of the concentration. Students may ask the ESC committee to consider adding a course to the concentration by writing to request a Petition Form from the chair of the faculty ESC committee, Deborah Roose.

Students wishing to pursue the concentration should consult with the chair of the faculty ESC committee, Deborah Roose.

The Education Studies Curricular Committee supports those students who choose an Education Studies concentration.  The Committee is a focal point for a flexible, social and intellectual learning community for you and other students and faculty at Oberlin College who are interested in the study and practice of education.