Feb 11, 2025
Course Catalog 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
New Courses for 2020-2021
Last updated November 17, 2020.
Approved After November 20, 2020
Approved Between August 26, 2020 and November 17, 2020
Approved Between July 9, 2020 and August 25, 2020
Approved Between April 10 and July 8, 2020
- AAST 218 - M4BL: History and Practice of An Idea
- AAST 278 - Playwrighting and Performance in the Time of the Black Lives Matter Movement
- AAST 323 - Folkloric Foundations
- AAST 372 - The Word and The Beat
- ANTH 435 - Biopolitics: The Governance of Life and Death
- ARBC 290 - SLP Levantine Colloquial Arabic: Jordanian and Palestinian
- BIOL 035 - Introduction to Global Health
- BIOL 214 - Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry Lab
- BIOL 329 - Human Reproductive Health
- BIOL 234 - Human Anatomy Lecture and Lab
- CINE 326 - First Person Cinema: Personal Narrative
- CMPL 235 - The Arabian Nights beyond “East” and “West”
- CMPL 236 - Cultural and Intellectual History of Istanbul
- CMPL 320 - Guest, Host, Stranger: Hospitality in the Mediterranean World
- CMPL 364 - Orhan Pamuk and the Politics of World Literature
- CMPL 441 - Plague Narratives: Narratology and Immunology
- DANC 244 - Dance and the Camera
- DANC 323 - Folkloric Foundations
- ECON 229 - Open Economy Macroeconomics
- ENVS 246 - Practicum in Community Climate Resilience Planning in the City of Oberlin
- ENVS 256 - Practicum in Green Building Technology, Information, and Systems
- ENVS 338 - Practicum in Agroecology Summer
- FREN 322 - Guest, Host, Stranger: Hospitality in the Mediterranean World
- FREN 355 - Les îles créoles : Lutte et résistance, d’hier à aujourd’hui
- FREN 441 - Plague Narratives: Narratology and Immunology
- FREN 442 - Littérature, pandémie et confinement
- FYSP 021 - Learning and Labor: Education and the Market
- FYSP 083 - Ethnobiology
- FYSP 085 - Rebellion, Revolution, Rock-n-Roll: 20th-21st-century Russian Culture
- FYSP 086 - East Asian Cinema
- FYSP 088 - Numbers in the News
- FYSP 091 - The Complexities of Identity: Exploring Social Justice through Self and Others
- FYSP 093 - Disability
- FYSP 126 - Tolstoy’s War & Peace
- FYSP 183 - What is Folk Music?
- GEOL 118 - Planets, Moons, and Meteorites
- GEOL 121 - Geology in our National Parks
- GERM 205 - Intermediate Intensive German
- GREK 206 - Homer’s Odyssey I
- GREK 211 - Euripides I
- GREK 223 - Lucian and Imperial Greek I
- GREK 306 - Homer’s Odyssey II
- GREK 323 - Lucian and Imperial Greek II
- GSFS 229 - Bodies in Japanese Literature & Culture 1945 to 2020
- GSFS 253 - Pens and Needles: Gender and Media in Early America
- GSFS 324 - Chinese Queer Cinema
- GSFS 386 - Nightlife: Place, Identity and Feeling Alive
- GSFS 408 - Bad Education: Female Instruction in Ibero-America
- GSFS 426 - Latin American Literature and the Narrative of the Queer and the Perverse
- GSFS 499 - Advanced Research Methods
- HISP 204 - Intensive Intermediate Spanish
- HIST 481 - Stalinism
- LATN 209 - Petronius and Apuleius: The Latin Novel I
- LATN 220 - The End of the Aeneid I
- LATN 320 - The End of the Aeneid II
- PACE 314 - Flute Pedagogy I/II
- PHIL 238 - Ethics and Technology
- POLT 136 - Authority and Rule: An Introductory Survey
- POLT 234 - Critical Theory and Its Legacies
- POLT 252 - Capitalism, Socialism, Anarchism: Perspectives on States, Markets, and Justice
- POLT 339 - The Politics of Markets
- PSYC 432 - Seminar on Collective Memory
- PSYC 433 - Seminar in the Psychology of Human Emotions
- REES 481 - Stalinism
- RHET 320 - Community News Reporting
- SOCI 144 - Introduction to Sociology: Organizations and Social Change
- SOCI 214 - Social Movements
- SOCI 332 - Sociology of Organizations
- THEA 101 - Introduction to Theater
- THEA 184 - Introduction to Vectorworks Spotlight
- THEA 250OC - Artistry and Economics of Creative Placemaking
- THEA 278 - Playwrighting and Performance in the Time of the Black Lives Matter Movement
- THEA 336 - Scene Design II
- THEA 372 - The Word and The Beat
Approved Between April 7 and April 9, 2020
New Courses Approved Through April 6, 2020
- AAST 223OC - Africa, Memory & Diasporic Identity
- APST 101 - Beginning Piano
- APST 102 - Beginning Piano II
- APST 117 - Vocal Health and Function
- APST 811 - Genre Nova Ensemble
- APST 817 - Beginning Guitar Class
- APST 823 - Chamber Singers
- ANTH 263OC - Metaphors of blood: Cultural constructions of Race, Kinship, and Genetics
- ANTH 460 - Museum Anthropology
- ARTH 110 - Christian Art: A Global History
- ARTH 294 - The Arts of Conquest and Resistance in 17th century Europe and Latin America
- ARTS 043 - Problems: Installation Art
- ARTS 053 - Problems In: Color Photography
- ARTS 062 - VisPro Painting: On Location
- ARTS 068 - Problems: Art as Social Practice
- ARTS 097 - VisPro: MediaArt Studio/Seminar
- BIOL 018 - The Biology and Evolution of Color
- BIOL 309 - Ornithology
- BIOL 317 - Introduction to Microbiological Techniques
- BIOL 423 - Seminar: Biogeography
- CHEM 407 - Topics in Biochemistry
- CINE 282 - Hollywood Narrative & Genre
- CMPL 327 - Surrealism Narrative from Center to Margins
- CINE 335 - Advanced Cinematic Storytelling
- CINE 360 - Strange Cinema
- CMPL 277 - Israel/Palestine in Literature and Film
- CMPL 278 - Jewish/Jew-ish Literatures
- CMPL 291 - Topics & Forms: The OULIPO & Constraint
- CMPL 430 - Literature and Music of Heartbreak
- CMUS 106 - The History of Rock: Race, Class, Gender, Place
- CMUS 256 - American Music in the 1960s
- CRWR 213 - The Prose Poem
- CRWR 214OC - The Poetry of Place
- CRWR 291 - Topics & Forms: The OULIPO & Constraint
- CRWR 321 - Special Topics in Fiction: The Sentence
- DANC 180 - Hip Hop Dance I - Beginning
- DANC 239OC - Site Specific Dance
- DANC 270 - Queer Gestures - Dance & Performance
- DANC 360 - Practice as Research/Research as Practice
- EAST 133 - Haunted Archipelago: Ghosts, Spirits, and the Occult in Japanese Religion
- EAST 229 - Bodies in Japanese Literature & Culture 1945 to 2020
- EAST 326 - Labor in Japanese Literature and Film from the 1920s to 2010s
- ECON 246 - Chinese Economic History
- ECON 310 - Economic Development in Latin America
- ECON 436 - Seminar: Valuation of Environmental Amenities
- ENGL 110 - A History of the English Language
- ENGL 361 - Strange Cinema
- ENVS 209OC - Environmental Repair
- ENVS 436 - Seminar: Valuation of Environmental Amenities
- ENVS 957 - Climate Change and London: Vulnerability, Mitigation, Adaptation & Resilience
- ENVS 958B - Climate Change & Community Resilience in London
- ETHN 106 - The History of Rock
- ETHN 200 - Music of Latin America
- FREN 353 - Passions du corps et l’âme (1600-1900)
- FREN 462 - 1968: art, média, contestation
- FYSP 046OC - Crafting Change: Arts, Activism and the 2020 Election
- FYSP 047 - Decolonizing Cinema: Native Americans in Film
- FYSP 048OC - Faith and the Ballot Box
- FYSP 049 - Cultures of Food Writing
- FYSP 051OC - 23 and Us: Genetics in Contemporary Society
- FYSP 061 - Comics and the Art of Graphic Storytelling
- FYSP 062 - Brexit and the Rise of Nationalism in Europe
- FYSP 063OC - Research and Reasoning: The Production and Application of Knowledge in STEM
- FYSP 064 - What Is Pop? German Fiction, Film and Music Since 1989
- FYSP 067 - The Climate of History: From Asia to the Anthropocene
- FYSP 068 - Minds, Machines, and God
- FYSP 098 - Living Machines: Puppet, Robot, Statue, Clock
- GERM 313 - Live and Work in Germany: Business German
- GERM 327 - *teuta > þeoda > diutsch > Deutsch: A History of the German Language
- GREK 219 - Apologies of Socrates I
- GREK 319 - Apologies of Socrates II
- GSFS 270 - Queer Gestures - Dance & Performance
- HISP 200 - Music of Latin America
- HISP 340 - Nationalism, Culture & Politics Under & After Dictatorship: Spain and Yugoslavia in the 20th Century
- HISP 342 - Spain and Yugoslavia in the 20th Century LxC
- HISP 408 - Bad Education: Female Instruction in Ibero-America
- HISP 421 - Julio Cortázar’s Rayuela
- HISP 426 - Latin American Literature and the Narrative of the Queer and the Perverse
- HISP 430 - Literature and Music of Heartbreak
- JWST 257 - Judaism in the U.S.: State, Synagogue, and Beyond
- JWST 277 - Israel/Palestine in Literature and Film
- JWST 278 - Jewish/Jew-ish Literatures
- LATN 221 - Senecan Tragedy I
- LATN 321 - Senecan Tragedy II
- MHST 357 - Charles Ives’s Musical Universe
- NSCI 103OC - Environmental Toxicology and Global Health
- PACE 317 - Psychology of Musical Behaviors
- PHIL 239 - Philosophy of the Digital Arts
- POLT 130 - Being Political: Political Theory and Political Action
- POLT 283OC - Election 2020: Propaganda, Polls and the People’s Choice
- POLT 314 - Global Infrastructure Politics
- POLT 327 - Identity in Global Politics
- POLT 333 - Education for Politics: Discipline, Resistance, Virtue
- PSYC 325 - Advanced Methods in Clinical and Neuropsychological Assessment
- PSYC 930 - Building Resilience in the Face of Climate Change Through Effective Conflict Resolution
- PSYC 958B - Climate Change & Community Resilience in London
- RELG 233 - Haunted Archipelago: Ghosts, Spirits, and the Occult in Japanese Religion
- RELG 249OC - Medical Ethics
- RELG 257 - Judaism in the U.S.: State, Synagogue, and Beyond
- SOCI 305 - Feminist Research Methodologies
- SOCI 340 - Nationalism, Culture & Politics Under & After Dictatorship: Spain and Yugoslavia in the 20th Century
- THEA 410 - Senior Capstone in Acting: Professional Aspects of Acting
- THEA 411 - Senior Acting Capstone: Senior Showcase