No course may count towards more than one requirement.
Students may count at most one course at the 100-level and at most one semester of PHIL 401F toward the elective requirement.
Course of Study
Entry-Level Course Sequence Suggestions
The department suggests any of its 100-level courses as an appropriate first course in philosophy. (Some 200-level courses that are open without prerequisite may also be taken as first courses, though they are not intended as introductory courses.) From any of these courses, students may, with occasional exceptions, proceed to any of the department’s advanced offerings.
For the purposes of the major it is desirable, though not mandatory, that PHIL 200 or PHIL 201 should be completed early in one’s philosophical studies. Students interested in majoring in philosophy should consult with a member of the department concerning course sequence planning. It is possible to complete the philosophy major even if it is not started until the junior year.
Honors in Philosophy
The department offers an Honors Program in Philosophy to qualified senior majors. The program involves intensive study and writing under faculty supervision for an academic year. It culminates in the preparation of a lengthy written thesis, and a defense of the thesis before departmental faculty and, typically, an external examiner from another college or university. Questions should be directed to the department honors program director.