Jan 14, 2025
Course Catalog 2024-2025
3-2 Engineering Major
The major comprises the math and science courses specified by the student’s desired engineering program as entry requirements for 3-2 program participants.
View the catalog page for the 3-2 engineering program.
The 3-2 engineering program strives to prepare students for professional practice of engineering as licensed engineers, as well as for graduate research training. Graduates of the program are expected early in their careers to emerge as leaders in their chosen field, whether that be design, analysis, management, education, or research.
Only a student participating in the 3-2 engineering program may declare the 3-2 engineering major at Oberlin. The recommendations of the partner engineering schools differ slightly; however, it is generally required that a 3-2 engineering student take the schedule of courses listed below at Oberlin.
View the degree requirements for the combined liberal arts and engineering program.
Summary of Requirements Typical of Affiliated Engineering Schools
Transfer of Credit Toward the Major
Advanced placement credit for a course within the 3-2 engineering major that is taught by another department will be accepted for credit toward the major if the relevant department accepts advanced placement credit for the course toward its own major. Course of Study
To be accepted by the engineering school, a student normally must maintain a grade point average of 3.25 or greater. Thus, engineering students should take for letter grade (not P/NP) math and science courses specified by the desired engineering programs. If a student does not proceed to an engineering school, she or he must satisfy the requirements for some other major at Oberlin. Entry-Level Course Sequence Suggestions
It is suggested that first-year students interested in engineering take a mathematics course (MATH 133 , MATH 134 , MATH 231 , or MATH 234 ) as well as either chemistry or physics during their first year at Oberlin. Other Programs
Students interested in engineering may spend four years at Oberlin, major in an appropriate natural science or in mathematics, and then work toward a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree or an advanced degree at an engineering school. Please note that generally it is the BSE degree, not an advanced degree, that is needed for one to become a licensed professional engineer. Honors in Engineering
There is no Honors Program in Engineering. 3-2 Engineering Major Course Lists