Mar 02, 2025  
[DRAFT] Course Catalog 2025-2026 
[DRAFT] Course Catalog 2025-2026 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Oberlin College and Conservatory

Oberlin College Marker

Oberlin College marker establishing its founding in 1833 by Presbyterian ministers.
Photo credit: Walter Novak

The academic programs of Oberlin College and Conservatory are based in its two divisions with an unduplicated undergraduate enrollment of 2,886: the College of Arts and Sciences (2,371 students) and the Conservatory of Music (309 students). Included in the enrollments of both divisions are 206 students who are enrolled in the Double Degree Program, whose graduates earn both the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Music degrees.

Academic information differs in some cases between the College of Arts and Sciences and the Conservatory of Music. General policies that apply to all Oberlin College and Conservatory students–for example, admissions, expenses, academic policies, and academic opportunities–are explained in the appropriate sections. For degree-specific information about graduation requirements, major and minor study, and other areas, please refer to the degree-specific sections of this catalog.

arrow About the Bachelor of Arts Degree  
arrow Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements  

arrow About the Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Fine Arts  
arrow Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements  

arrow About the Bachelor of Music Degree  
arrow Bachelor of Music Degree Requirements  

arrow About the Double Degree Program  
arrow Double Degree Program Degree Requirements  

arrow Conservatory Diploma and Graduate Program Degree Requirements  

Institutional Learning Goals and Objectives

The mission of Oberlin College and Conservatory is to educate students for lives of intellectual, musical, and artistic rigor and breadth; sustained inquiry, creativity, and innovation; and leadership. Oberlin aims to prepare graduates with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives essential to confront complex issues and to create change and value in the world.

Oberlin is committed to educational access and opportunity. It seeks to offer a diverse and inclusive residential learning environment, encourage a free and respectful exchange of ideas, and share an enduring commitment to a sustainable and just society.

The goals underlying Oberlin’s mission are given fuller explication in the division-specific Learning Goals and Outcomes articulated by the faculties of the college and the conservatory. Although the college and the conservatory learning goals and outcomes are distinct, with each division’s goals speaking in particular ways to the aspirations and needs of its students, they nevertheless are commonly rooted in–and together give the fullest flowering to–the core values animating Oberlin and its work, namely, an abiding commitment on the part of students, faculty, staff, and trustees to educational excellence, diversity and community, stewardship, and sustainability.

Institution Organization

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the governing body of Oberlin College and Conservatory. It manages the welfare of the institution and entrusts day-to-day operations to the president. Oberlin’s board has 29-37 members and completes its work through an executive committee and various subcommittees.

The board consists of 20-28 board-elected members and six alumni-elected members. Trustees serve four-year terms.

There are also three class trustees elected by recent graduating classes to serve three-year terms. The final member of the board is the president of Oberlin College and Conservatory, who serves ex officio.

Detailed information about the Oberlin College and Conservatory Board of Trustees is available here and a listing of honorary trustees is available here.

  • T. Chris Canavan ‘84, chair
  • Chuck Birenbaum ‘79, vice chair
  • Carmen Twillie Ambar, ex officio
  • Kofi Asare ‘22
  • Elizabeth Barajas-Román ‘99
  • Robin S. Black ‘72
  • Menna Demessie ‘02
  • Francisco X. Dominguez ‘89
  • Lillie Johnson Edwards ‘75
  • Stephan Farber ‘94
  • Peter Flint, Jr. ‘91
  • Sean P. Gavin ‘98
  • Jacob A. Gayle ‘79
  • Ed Helms ‘96
  • Cynthia Hogan ‘79
  • Charlene Drew Jarvis ‘62
  • Eric R. Katzman ‘86
  • Maghan Keita ‘72
  • Lee Koonce ‘82
  • David S. Krischer ‘78
  • Hozefa Lokhandwala ‘97
  • Minsok Pak ‘91
  • Molly Horst Raphael ‘67
  • David Rostov ‘87
  • Srimoyi (Gunja) Sarkar ‘23
  • David E. Shipley ‘72
  • Julia Steyn ‘96
  • Isabel Tadmiri ‘21
  • Mandy Tuong ‘01
  • Lisa Yvette Waller ‘87
  • Georgia Yuan ‘75

Executive Leadership Team

Carmen Twillie Ambar - President of Oberlin College and Conservatory

Manuel Carballo - Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid
Karen Goff - Vice President and Dean of Students
Michael Grzesiak - Vice President for Advancement
David Hertz - Chief of Staff
Josh Jensen - Vice President for Communications
David Kamitsuka - Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
Matthew Lahey - Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary
William Quillen - Dean of the Conservatory of Music
Rebecca Vazquez-Skillings - Vice President for Finance and Administration
Natalie Winkelfoos - Assoc. Vice President for Athletics Advancement and Delta Lodge Director of Athletics and Physical Education

College of Arts and Sciences Faculty and Teaching Staff

Individual listings are prepared from data maintained by the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and will be available in September 2025. Inquiries should be directed to that office.

arrow Contact the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.


Conservatory of Music Faculty and Teaching Staff

Individual listings are prepared from data maintained by the Office of the Dean of the Conservatory of Music and will be available in September 2025. Inquiries should be directed to that office.

arrow Contact the Office of the Dean of the Conservatory of Music.