Mar 08, 2025
Course Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Geosciences Major
The major consists of 10.5 full courses (or the equivalent). Note: Students must earn minimum grades of C- or P for all courses that apply toward the major.
View the catalog page for the Department of Geosciences.
Prospective geosciences majors should discuss their major program with a member of the Department of Geosciences as early as possible in order to identify the courses that best serve their needs. Advanced electives (400-level courses) aside from the capstone seminar (GEOS 419 ) and independent research in geosciences (500-level courses) are available, but such courses are neither required nor count toward the geosciences major. After completing an introductory course, a student can complete a geosciences major in four semesters, although a less compact schedule is preferable. Note: Students pursuing a professional career in the geosciences usually take more than the minimum number of courses required for the geosciences major. In particular, many geosciences graduate programs recommend two semesters of college-level mathematics and introductory physics, introductory chemistry, and a summer course in field geosciences. Students with interests in environmental policy and/or resource development who are considering geosciences as part of a pre-law program should consult with both the Department of Geosciences chair and with a member of the Pre-Law Advisory Committee. View course sequence suggestions.
Outstanding students may participate in the Honors Program in Geosciences. Honors students carry out a program of independent geoscientific research under the supervision of an individual faculty member during their senior year. Any student interested in doing Honors research should discuss this with a member of the department in her or his junior year. In order to be accepted into the Honors Program, a student must have a GPA of 3.10 or higher in their geosciences course work and submit a written proposal to the department. Other guidelines for the Honors Program are set forth elsewhere in this catalog. Transfer of Credit
Students can substitute non-Oberlin courses for those that count toward the major but are taught outside the department (e.g., CHEM 101, 102, 103, cognate courses). However, each course must be certified by the chair of the appropriate on-campus department as being identical to the replaced course. In addition, up to two non-Oberlin geosciences courses can be used to satisfy the “four intermediate-level geosciences courses” and/or “additional elective geosciences courses.” Substitutes for “intermediate-level courses” must be substantially similar to those being replaced. More latitude is possible for elective geosciences courses. Course Sequence Suggestions
The department offers a variety of introductory courses in the geosciences. Our 100-level courses, which do not have any prerequisites and do not require any special background, provide an excellent opportunity to learn more about our planet and the environment. Most of these courses are topical and change from year to year. Any 100-level full course provides an entry point to the major. Two of the 100-level courses include hands-on lab experiences. GEOS 120 provides a broad overview of earth science that includes laboratory work and field trips to local sites. GEOS/AAST 124 offers similarly broad coverage and laboratory and field experiences, but has a specific focus on the intersection of Earth science and critical social issues. All our 100-level courses are suitable for students who are interested in related fields such as environmental studies, environmental science, oceanography, and evolutionary biology and are seeking hands-on experience with maps and earth materials. Students can enroll in any 200-level geosciences course after taking any full 100-level geosciences course. Similarly, students in general must have completed any one 200-level geosciences course in order to enroll in a 300-level geosciences course; the two exceptions are GEOS 335 , which has no prerequisites, and GEOS 361 , which has a prerequisite of GEOS 201 . This policy allows for a substantial number of non-majors to enroll in upper-level geosciences courses in addition to geosciences majors. Geosciences Major Course Lists
Geosciences Electives Courses
Return to the summary of requirements. Two additional geosciences full courses (or equivalent half courses) selected via some combination of the following: - One full geosciences course at the 200- or 300-level
- Two half geosciences courses at the 200- or 300-level (each counts as half an elective)
- CHEM 208 - Environmental Chemistry may count as one elective
Common electives include, but are not limited to: Supporting Natural Sciences and Mathematics Courses
Return to the summary of requirements. Two additional full supporting natural science and math courses (or equivalent) at the introductory or advanced level, selected from those listed below. Note: For Supporting Natural Sciences and Mathematics Courses, students must earn the minimum grade required by the home department. For example, if the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry will accept a course in which a student earns any passing grade to fulfill their major requirements, the Department of Geosciences will accept that course to fulfill the geosciences major requirements. - BIOL 100 - Organismal Biology
- BIOL 200 - Genetics, Evolution, and Ecology
- BIOL 202 - Plant Ecology
- BIOL 213 - Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry
- BIOL 214 - Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry Lab
- BIOL 235 - Essentials of Epidemiology
- BIOL 303 - Chemical Ecology
- BIOL 307 - Microbiology
- BIOL 310 - Genetics
- BIOL 310L - Genetics Lecture
- BIOL 312 - Physiology
- BIOL 317 - Introduction to Microbiological Techniques
- BIOL 318 - Evolution
- BIOL 321 - Plant Biology
- BIOL 322 - Genetics of Populations
- BIOL 323 - Plant Systematics
- BIOL 324 - Plant Systematics Laboratory
- BIOL 325 - Marine Eco-physiology
- BIOL 330 - Genetic Analysis
- BIOL 335 - Mycology
- BIOL 336 - Genomics
- BIOL 340 - Eukaryotic Cell Culture Laboratory
- CHEM 101 - Structure and Reactivity in Chemistry
- CHEM 102 - Principles of Chemistry
- CHEM 103 - Topics in General Chemistry
- CHEM 205 - Principles of Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 208 - Environmental Chemistry
- CHEM 211 - Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM 213 - Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 254 - Bioorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 323 - Materials Chemistry
- CHEM 325 - Organic Mechanism and Synthesis
- CHEM 327 - Synthesis Laboratory
- CHEM 339 - Quantum Chemistry and Kinetics
- CHEM 341 - Trace Analysis
- CHEM 349 - Chemical and Statistical Thermodynamics
- CHEM 361 - Bioanalytical Chemistry
- CHEM 374 - Biochemistry
- CSCI 150 - Introduction to Computer Science
- CSCI 151 - Data Structures
- CSCI 210 - Introduction to Computer Architecture
- CSCI 241 - Systems Programming
- CSCI 275 - Programming Abstractions
- CSCI 280 - Algorithms
- CSCI 311 - Database Systems
- CSCI 313 - Human Computer Interface
- CSCI 317 - People-Powered Procedures
- CSCI 341 - Operating Systems
- CSCI 343 - Computer and Information Security
- CSCI 344 - Privacy, Anonymity and Social Networks
- CSCI 345 - Computers and the Physical World
- CSCI 353 - Computer Vision
- CSCI 364 - Artificial Intelligence
- CSCI 365 - Advanced Algorithms
- CSCI 374 - Machine Learning and Data Mining
- CSCI 381 - Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences
- CSCI 383 - Theory of Computation
- CSCI 384 - Complexity Theory
- CSCI 385 - Economics and Computation
- CSCI 391 - Diversity and Equity in Computer Science
- MATH 131 - Calculus Ia: Limits, Continuity and Differentiation
- MATH 132 - Calculus Ib: Integration and Applications
- MATH 133 - Calculus I: Limits, Continuity, Differentiation, Integration and Applications
- MATH 134 - Calculus II: Special Functions, Integration Techniques and Power Series
- MATH 220 - Discrete Mathematics
- MATH 231 - Multivariable Calculus
- MATH 232 - Linear Algebra
- MATH 234 - Differential Equations
- MATH 301 - Foundations of Analysis
- MATH 302 - Dynamical Systems
- MATH 305 - The Mathematics of Climate Modeling
- MATH 317 - Number Theory
- MATH 318 - Cryptography
- MATH 327 - Group Theory
- MATH 328 - Computational Algebra
- MATH 329 - Rings & Fields
- MATH 331 - Linear Optimization
- MATH 332 - Nonlinear Optimization
- MATH 335 - Probability
- MATH 342 - The Mathematics of Social Choice
- MATH 343 - Combinatorics
- MATH 350 - Geometry
- MATH 353 - Topology
- MATH 356 - Complex Analysis
- MATH 357 - Harmonic Analysis
- MATH 358 - Real Analysis
- MATH 397 - Seminar in Mathematical Modeling
- PHYS 103 - Elementary Physics I
- PHYS 104 - Elementary Physics II
- PHYS 110 - Mechanics and Relativity
- PHYS 111 - Electricity, Magnetism and Thermodynamics
- PHYS 212 - Modern Physics
- PHYS 242 - Electronics
- PHYS 290 - Computational Modeling
- PHYS 310 - Classical Mechanics
- PHYS 311 - Electricity and Magnetism
- PHYS 312 - Quantum Mechanics
- PHYS 316 - Waves and Optics
- PHYS 321 - Introduction to General Relativity
- PHYS 340 - Physics of Materials
- STAT 113 - Introduction to Statistics
- STAT 114 - Introduction to Biostatistics
- STAT 205 - Statistics and Modeling
- STAT 209 - Data Computing and Visualization
- STAT 213 - Statistical Modeling
- STAT 237 - Bayesian Computation
- STAT 336 - Mathematical Statistics
- STAT 339 - Probabilistic Modeling and Machine Learning